EP06 Live Photo Critique and Photo News

Episode 6 July 31, 2024 01:34:33
EP06 Live Photo Critique and Photo News
The Camera Life
EP06 Live Photo Critique and Photo News

Jul 31 2024 | 01:34:33


Show Notes

Live weekly podcast featuring long-form discussions on all things photography with hosts Greg, Justin and Jim.  Join us live on Youtube at 9am every Thursday (Australian Eastern Time) to join in on the conversation or listen back later on your favourite podcast player.

From photography gear reviews and new camera rumours to discussions about the art and business of making images, this is The Camera Life Podcast.


Brought to you by Lucky Camera Straps (the best leather camera straps on the planet!)

Live on Youtube: The Camera Life YouTube Channel

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About the hosts:

Justin Castles @justincastles @justinandjim

I'm Justin, the owner of Lucky Straps as well as a professional photographer/videographer. After photographing weddings full time for about 7 years with Jim I now focus on sports, mainly mountain biking for Flow Mountain Bike. I have shot with Canon, then Nikon and now back to Canon with a full Mirrorless RF mount system. A full on gear nerd and business nerd, ask me anything about your camera kit or how to grow your photography business.

Greg Cromie @gcromie

Greg is a regular writer for photography publications such as ShotKit and also the famous Lucky Straps Blog. He is an avid Fujifilm X-series shooter as well an experienced reviewer of all things photography.  You can find him wandering the city of Melbourne with a camera in hand, street photography being his genre of choice.   His love for Fujifilm helps offset the traditional Canon vs Nikon arguments of Justin and Jim.

Jim Aldersey @jimaldersey @justinandjim

Jim is a professional wedding photographer shooting 40+ weddings a year as well as a diverse range of commercial work. Prior to launching the business 'Justin and Jim - Photographers' with me he was a full time photojournalist for the Bendigo Advertiser. He is a long time Nikon DSLR shooter having his hands on just about every pro Nikon camera since the D3.


Grant Fleming @grantflemingphoto

Grant is the definition of a passionate hobbyist, he has a day job but is always thinking about photography and regularly heads away on landscape photo adventures. He also makes money with his photography by shooting weddings, events and real estate.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: And we are live without Jim. Oh, there he is. Oh, sorry about everybody's ears. Oh, dear. That's, uh. That's not good. It's not good. Good afternoon, everybody. Hey, Jim. Jim here. Breaks. [00:00:17] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:21] Speaker A: Apparently. No. Hey, we were late. Toots and company was waiting. [00:00:29] Speaker B: Sorry, Emma. [00:00:31] Speaker A: Yeah, sorry to everybody's earbuds. So, do you have a shoot this morning? [00:00:38] Speaker B: Yeah, I did. Sorry. That's where I've, like, literally just been. That's why I've just walked in running, throwing this on. And, um, now we're here. [00:00:45] Speaker A: What, uh, what sort of shoot was it? [00:00:48] Speaker B: Um, I was actually shooting a newborn baby, four weeks old. [00:00:52] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. How did that go? [00:00:54] Speaker B: That's good, actually. Really fun. [00:00:56] Speaker A: Yeah. Indoors or. [00:00:59] Speaker B: Yeah. Literally did everything inside, which was cool. So just slightly ramped up the ISO and, you know, shooting with fast lenses makes it pretty easy. [00:01:10] Speaker A: So. Primes. Yeah, yeah, prime lenses. [00:01:14] Speaker B: You know which ones? [00:01:16] Speaker A: 28, 100, 558. [00:01:18] Speaker B: Yeah, sounds about right. [00:01:21] Speaker A: Sounds about gym style. [00:01:23] Speaker B: So now it works pretty well. [00:01:26] Speaker A: We've. We got a wedding on the weekend. [00:01:28] Speaker B: We do. This is pretty exciting. [00:01:31] Speaker A: Yeah. Gotta dust off the old. The old wedding style camera year. [00:01:37] Speaker B: You need to bring your 7200. [00:01:39] Speaker A: I might. [00:01:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:01:41] Speaker A: Yeah. Stand way back and just zoom in on people's faces. [00:01:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Or you're gonna shoot 28 to 70 all day. [00:01:48] Speaker A: Well, that's what I was trying to decide. I've been trying to decide. That was something I thought we might talk about today is what could we do? Because this is, like, the only venue I've shot at for a while. The same. Same venue every time, which is beautiful venue, but you've shot it a million times. [00:02:10] Speaker B: I'm shooting that tomorrow too. Oh. [00:02:12] Speaker A: I just camp out there for the night. [00:02:16] Speaker B: Well, I only live about three minutes away, so I'll probably come home. [00:02:19] Speaker A: Fair enough. So what can we do to be a little more creative. [00:02:32] Speaker B: Like lens wise or. What are you thinking? [00:02:35] Speaker A: I mean, there's all those options. That's what I was thinking. I'm like, what. What kit will I shoot with mainly? Do I want to put some limitations on stuff or use something that I don't normally use? Or is it like lighting? What? Yeah. What's our best. What's. What's. Some ways that we can try and be a little bit more creative, push the boundaries a bit more while still obviously delivering what, everything that the couple wants? [00:03:07] Speaker B: Well, you could try the one lens thing. I don't know. Mixing it up is. I like mixing it up. What would you have done in the past? [00:03:14] Speaker A: Is there anything you would like to try that you don't normally try when you buy yourself, but because I'm there, you'll have some. Some safety. [00:03:22] Speaker B: Maybe try and do some, like, depending on the. Just depends on the layout. [00:03:25] Speaker A: What layout? [00:03:26] Speaker B: Like, it's a reception and stuff. Be cool to try something a bit different for first dance. But it just depends what they've got, how the room set up, really. [00:03:37] Speaker A: Okay, so you're thinking more like, lighting wise. [00:03:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:41] Speaker A: During the reception. That's what you'd like to experiment with. [00:03:44] Speaker B: Yep. Probably also depends, like the ceremony set up. Might be cool to try and do that. There is two of us, you know, maybe like a back. A photo from the back of the first kiss, depending on the setup. [00:03:54] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:03:54] Speaker B: And that sort of thing. [00:03:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I could give that a whirl. And then if I stand behind them, you just have to photoshop me out of all of your shots. [00:04:02] Speaker B: No, if we both shoot slightly lower, we do this. [00:04:06] Speaker A: I could get. It's an outdoor ceremony. I could get like one of those ghillie suits, you know, like snipers use. [00:04:12] Speaker B: Yeah, you could do that? Yeah. You could climb in the tree behind. Maybe. Maybe we put you up in the tree before they get there. [00:04:19] Speaker A: I'll probably. I was thinking maybe I'll use the drone again, but maybe potentially at sunset as well, depending on. On what we do. [00:04:29] Speaker B: It'll be cool. [00:04:30] Speaker A: But I don't know, I was trying to think of. I don't know, something. Something to make it a bit more difficult and interesting and maybe push the boundaries creatively a little bit. [00:04:46] Speaker B: Yeah. You could do like a drone. Get them lying down. Maybe do the drone line down, something like that. Um. [00:04:54] Speaker A: Sure. I thought maybe I could shoot for a second. I was like, I could just shoot the whole day on the. The 16 mm 2.8 as the wide angle on the canon five reals and then a 50 mil on the three reals and just use those two lenses all day. But then I was like, if I've got the 50 on the r three, I might as well have the 28 to 70 on there and do a better job. [00:05:16] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, is it 50 mil? What is it, 50? [00:05:20] Speaker A: It's just a 1.8. It's just a nifty 50. [00:05:22] Speaker B: Yeah. So the f two is probably. [00:05:24] Speaker A: It's a great little letter, but the other one's better. [00:05:27] Speaker B: Yeah, but it's a lot different to carry. [00:05:30] Speaker A: Ah, doesn't matter. Strong. [00:05:36] Speaker B: Maybe. What happened to Yelena's question? [00:05:43] Speaker A: Where's your lana's question? [00:05:44] Speaker B: She said something about a fan. I replied, yes. [00:05:46] Speaker A: She said your biggest fans hiding in the corner. [00:05:50] Speaker B: Oh, I can't say that anymore. [00:05:57] Speaker A: So I don't have much of a plan for this show. But you sent me that thing from, from Sam Herd. [00:06:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:06:04] Speaker A: Who Sam heard is a famous wedding photographer. And I was, I was actually looking at his stuff, trying to get some ideas for what we could do because, you know, he's extremely creative. But he also doesn't get too tricky with gear and stuff like that. Like that's his eye. He does a little bit with prisms and things, but his camera gear is pretty standard. He's not, he's not out there setting up a million flashes or, he says. [00:06:30] Speaker B: A really good eye. [00:06:32] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Let's, let's bring up his thing. Oh, there it is. Yeah. Obviously he is a far better photographer than we are. [00:06:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:06:47] Speaker A: But the post that you sent was this AI rant that he put up just about how there's a lot of people pushing the whole AI imagery or calling it photography thing and saying how it's going to render photographers obsolete. But he made a point by posting all of these AI images that other people have created. And he said, I'm free to post these because there's no such thing as copyright for AI imagery. So anyone can take these images and do anything they want with them for free. There is no copyright on this AIh generated imagery that, that other people have, have made. So it's pretty interesting that, that debate. You know, if you created this, if you put it out there, there's literally nothing you can do to protect it. [00:07:44] Speaker B: Yeah. So I think what he was putting out was, it's pretty reasonable. He's not, I think he's just saying like, let's have a debate, let's talk about it. [00:07:55] Speaker A: Well, I don't know what he, I mean, he says he wants to have a debate with, with pro AI people, AI imagery people, but I don't know what he would actually debate. Blah, blah, blah. [00:08:09] Speaker B: I think his issue is that filtered debate. [00:08:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:08:13] Speaker B: His issue is that the images are built using stolen imagery, essentially, because. Yeah, I think what he's saying is if you took a thousand portraits and you put it into the AI software and then you built images from that. [00:08:28] Speaker A: That would be reasonable if it was your own work. [00:08:31] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes. Yeah. So if you took a thousand different portraits, put it into the software, built your own work, then that's reasonable. If you just, if the software is just taking whatever it can find and then it's building the software just from your prompts, I think that's what he's talking about. [00:08:49] Speaker A: Yeah. Grant, who couldn't be with us today because he has no voice from the comments section. Well done, Grant. I can't pronounce that. [00:08:59] Speaker B: Oh, wait, I didn't. [00:09:00] Speaker A: Don't touch things. [00:09:02] Speaker B: I can't see any of the comments on my thing. What's happening? Huh? None of the comments are showing up in my thing. [00:09:09] Speaker A: Just switch it to banners and back again or something. Might refresh. Emanuel Boffa, whose work has been featured in photo Vogue, has revealed to petapixel that five images on his Instagram feed are generated by Aihdem. Yeah. Okay, so famous, famous photographers are using AI to generate images. And for what reason, I don't know. Maybe they're getting too old to pick the camera up. I don't know who Emmanuelle is, but maybe his hands don't work. Not sure. Have you ran out of ideas? [00:09:46] Speaker B: Yeah, but, yeah, I wonder why he did that. Wonder what his reasoning or thoughts are. [00:09:53] Speaker A: Grant says drone for the first kiss at the wedding. Distracting. Unfortunately, you end up. All of the guests look at the drone because they're like, what's that sound? And then someone goes, oh, it's a drone. And everyone looks around, they're like, oh, yeah, it's a drone. So, yeah, we won't be doing that. [00:10:12] Speaker B: Too distracting. Totally against drones. At ceremonies. [00:10:16] Speaker A: At ceremonies, for sure. The only way you could do it is if it was so. If it was flown from so far away and stayed up high enough that no one could hear it, so no one noticed. Say it was some. In some epic, like, huge location on the top of a mountain, you could probably pull it off. But, yeah, at your average ceremony, it's gonna distract everybody. Sadly, toots and co. Says hope for rain jokes. But you do capture great rain picks. [00:10:48] Speaker B: We all secretly wish for rain. Not, you know, during the day, just at night, maybe after the sun sets or something. And, like, an ideal time. That wouldn't ruin anything. [00:11:00] Speaker A: Hi, Nathan. Hi, Jeremy. Good to see you guys. So, yeah, AI, that. Oh, that was the other thing Sam heard started the podcast. I think they saw. They saw what we were doing and thought they would try and copy us. [00:11:16] Speaker B: Maybe they were one of our six viewers. That's cool. [00:11:19] Speaker A: So he's up to episode two. We're on six. We're so far ahead. [00:11:25] Speaker B: I've done three times as many podcasts. [00:11:27] Speaker A: As him, but, yeah, he does create some beautiful images that I wish we could do. Might have to sign up to his Patreon, find out how he took that. [00:11:40] Speaker B: Photo, or jump on there. He does lots of. Find a real from him. [00:11:45] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:11:46] Speaker B: It's like a walk with me. I'm pretty sure all the time. [00:11:51] Speaker A: I don't see any reels at the top. [00:11:54] Speaker B: Make at the top, click on reels. [00:11:57] Speaker A: Oh, I see how to use Instagram. [00:12:02] Speaker B: And. Yeah, that got the couple one sitting under that lot. [00:12:06] Speaker A: Yep. I don't know how well this is gonna work. [00:12:10] Speaker B: Yeah, walk with me. [00:12:18] Speaker A: Okay. [00:12:20] Speaker B: Must be teaching people. They look like they're in a pub or something. [00:12:24] Speaker A: It's a cool venue. [00:12:25] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:12:26] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. So he's putting them down on the ground there. Yeah, it's a camera strap. That guy needs a nice new camera strap. [00:12:32] Speaker B: He does that camera strap looks. Yeah, that's a cool shot. [00:12:39] Speaker A: Very cool. [00:12:40] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:12:43] Speaker A: Anyway, that's enough of that. So, yeah, we will definitely try and push the limits on Saturday, and then maybe we can report back next week and see what we come up with. Maybe we should have a little. Little Justin versus Jim competition at this wedding. [00:13:00] Speaker B: Let's do it. [00:13:01] Speaker A: As voted by you, the listener who can come up with the best image on Saturday. [00:13:10] Speaker B: Down for that. [00:13:12] Speaker A: No rules. You can even AI generate it if you want. Cramp, won't you, with that, the other AI thing. So, you know, how did you direct. We did the episode the other week. Did you direct the winner of the compens? [00:13:26] Speaker B: Yeah, it was a. Yeah, was AI. [00:13:28] Speaker A: And it was all stupid. And they didn't even. Their judges didn't even realize it. Check this out. Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? [00:13:37] Speaker B: All right, I'm gonna say no, because. [00:13:38] Speaker A: I don't know. I only saw it because it popped up in news again, but so because they got so much promo and everything. And mostly hate when this photo one, this AI photo one because one of their judges picked it and they didn't even realize it was computer generated and pretty average. They're doing a human versus machine competition. Now, before you all get excited and go for the $1,000 gift card, it's actually already grants on it. It's already closed. I think it closed on the 28 February at midnight. So submissions already in and, yeah, they're going. It's basically you can submit either real photography or AI. And the judges are going to choose. Now, they've actually got a panel of fairly heavy hitting judges. So. [00:14:33] Speaker B: Russell, Jason Follin. [00:14:35] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, these are legit guys. James Simmons, who are, who's a legend. Chris Bray. Like, these are real photographers. So that will be choosing, which is a great panel. [00:14:46] Speaker B: It looks like they may have just chosen brand ambassadors, maybe. Yeah. [00:14:52] Speaker A: Do you see any other similarities with these? [00:14:55] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, they're all men. [00:14:57] Speaker A: Yeah, they're getting roasted in the comments. [00:15:01] Speaker B: Like, that was the first thing I noticed. [00:15:03] Speaker A: They were like, meet our panel of judges. And, you know, these guys are all awesome. So when I first see this, I'm like, fuck, yeah, these are actual judges. They've got some real photographers to choose to. And then, yeah, obviously, when, you know, like, there are plenty of amazing female photographers out there that could have been on this panel, obviously in oversight, but, yeah, every comment. [00:15:26] Speaker B: But is it the best person for the job? [00:15:29] Speaker A: Not every comment. Well, look. Well, maybe, but I think they probably just went after big names and didn't really give much thought to it because there's plenty of. There's plenty of female photos over. It's not like they're not around. Unless they all said, no, I don't want to do a human versus machine competition because it's dumb. And maybe that. Maybe that's why. But I just love. So every single comment is negative. I don't like the whole, you know, they're all white thing, because that's a lot. If you start choosing based on the color, it gets very difficult. But obviously, there could be a lot more diversity here, whether. From what? From whatever it is. But I just love that there's all these. [00:16:10] Speaker B: Well, they did diversify the camera gear. [00:16:12] Speaker A: Wait, wait, wait. Yeah. And that's probably what they were thinking. Let's get a broad ranger camera here. And then, you know, they forgot about other things. But the. The funniest part is, uh, the one positive one is, yes, audie. It's like, because Russ is a legend. [00:16:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:28] Speaker A: So it's like, everyone else is, like, bagging the shit out of this panel. But there's one. One Russell Ord fan is like, yeah, audie. Um, that was great. [00:16:40] Speaker B: I wonder if they're going to change. [00:16:42] Speaker A: It and bring it on, toots. And they've replied to every single comment saying, yeah, we'll definitely make sure we work on the diversity in our judging panels in the future. So that's good. They're acknowledging, but, yeah, I think they. Obviously massive oversight, and they fucked up there. But Emma. Emma from Toots and company says, yeah, I'd say the women didn't have tolerance for AI stuff, which, you know, that would be great to hear if there was a few judges that they reached out to and they said, yeah, no, Grant says maybe the next couple will be an all female panel. That would be interesting. [00:17:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:13] Speaker A: Balance things out. [00:17:15] Speaker B: Well, they get in trouble for that, though. [00:17:17] Speaker A: Well, no, because it's only balancing this one out. [00:17:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:20] Speaker A: Yeah. So that would be fine, but if it was an all female one out of nowhere, they probably wouldn't have got in trouble out of that. But anyway, anyway. Interesting. Interesting. So we'll see what the outcome of the human versus machine competition is. [00:17:35] Speaker B: But is grand entering? I don't know. [00:17:38] Speaker A: Is Grant entering? You entering, Grant? [00:17:41] Speaker B: Let us know in the comments. [00:17:43] Speaker A: Let us know in the comments. Anyone else? Did anyone enter? Anyone listening? I know I didn't. Haven't seen it, have, I don't have, I don't know if I've ever taken, like an award winning, not a war, like, not obviously not a big award winning, but even a small award winning photo, they kind of have to be, I don't know, they kind of have to be very crowd pleasery, and I'm not very good at that. [00:18:08] Speaker B: No. [00:18:08] Speaker A: I don't know. I don't know how to take those photos. Apparently we're, we're pronouncing toots and co wrong. [00:18:16] Speaker B: Is it toots and toots plus CO2? [00:18:22] Speaker A: Okay, good to know. Thank you. [00:18:24] Speaker B: Can you pronounce it in the comments for us, please? I thought it was toots and gay. [00:18:28] Speaker A: Yeah. Type it phonetically, please. What else? What else? [00:18:34] Speaker B: Grant didn't enter, if anyone wanted to know. [00:18:36] Speaker A: Granted. What else? What else? Oh, speaking of AI, but useful AI, did you see image in the editing software that you have been using that I played around with? Did you see their updates have rolled out further now, so you can now use culling if you want to. [00:19:01] Speaker B: I did. I haven't tried it. [00:19:03] Speaker A: Yeah, we did. We're going to try it for this wedding, are we? Yep, we're doing it. We're just going to do it, see what happens. [00:19:09] Speaker B: Should we color and let them color at the same, like, so what, we'll. [00:19:17] Speaker A: We'Ll check it afterwards. [00:19:19] Speaker B: No, but what I mean is, so if you got them to color, do. [00:19:23] Speaker A: You want to race them? You cal ours, and I'll use the image and software and we'll see who gets there faster. [00:19:29] Speaker B: Okay. No, but do you know what I mean? So we could, we could call it and say, we'll do whatever we normally do, Mark, you know, star rate it, and then bring theirs in as, like a colored what? They've rated it as colored or something or vice versa. [00:19:46] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:19:46] Speaker B: So we can check it and be like, oh, we selected 150 more or 150 less or whatever we did. [00:19:52] Speaker A: Yeah. The. [00:19:55] Speaker B: What did it miss? And what did we miss? Because there's potential that both of those things. [00:20:00] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. I think we should just test it though, and see what happens and then report back. Report back to the pod next week because it's in, it's in beta still. So they're saying that culling's free at the moment, that service to test, obviously. So it does need to be checked because it. They're obviously not happy with the results yet. The other cool thing is they're bringing tweaks to profiles and that's the feature that I said they needed. So if any of you don't know what this stuff is, basically it analyzes your photos in your lightroom catalog and then it can make essentially like a preset. But it's an AI powered preset that, that modifies each image. All it really does is apply a preset and change exposure and white balance, from what I can tell, doesn't go much deeper than that, but it does a pretty good job of exposure and white balance. The problem is it'll analyze 5000 photos that you put in, that you've edited, and then that's what makes the preset. And then if you want to tweak that preset, you basically need to update it by editing images with 5000 new images until now. So now you could jump you in theory, I don't know if it's released to everyone yet, but you can just jump in there and maybe pull the saturation down across your foot for your preset, basically. [00:21:24] Speaker B: That's good. [00:21:25] Speaker A: So, and that, that's what it was missing. Like being able to make changes, but not necessarily have to redo all of your edits and upload them and have it relearn. You just say, hey, I don't want quite as vibrant colors anymore, so I'm going to pull them down a little bit and that'll sort of apply that to your profile, which is clever. So that could definitely make it a lot more useful. Yes, very cool. [00:21:56] Speaker B: How that goes. [00:21:57] Speaker A: Well, I think we should, we should do some experimenting with it next week after we shoot this wedding, particularly with the culling. [00:22:09] Speaker B: Have you tried the straightening and cropping it? [00:22:11] Speaker A: No, no, I really, it's not that useful for my workflow, so I haven't used it much. But what I did do is buy, I bought some more presets. Have you ever bought presets? No, never. [00:22:27] Speaker B: Never. [00:22:27] Speaker A: You just got me to make them for you. Yeah, cheetah. I've bought some presets in my time, not many. And mainly I bought some old VSCO ones back when that was a thing. And then of recent, the only ones I've never bought presets off, like, a photographer. You know, I've never bought Peter McKinnon presets or Sam herd presets. I don't even know if he has presets, but, like, I've never bought them off a photographer. I've bought them off VsCo, and then I bought them now off Mastin labs. I bought a few preset patch packs off Mastin labs, and they got me because they released Kirk Mastin released, let me see, a new pack called the Founder Plus Pack. Basically, Mastin Labs has always been film based presets, so that he wanted to really, really accurately make film presets. [00:23:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:34] Speaker A: To exactly what he believes they look like. So where are we? So basically, you know, that they'll have presets, like, little preset packs that include, you know, Fuji stuff, or I bought this adventure everyday one a while ago, which has Ektar 100, gold 200, and Trix 400. And I use that modified a bit. Every time I've gotten stuff like this, I've had to modify it because straight out of the box, the film look can be too aggressive for what I want. Particularly. [00:24:15] Speaker B: Are they throwing in, like, grain and stuff? [00:24:17] Speaker A: Usually they have grain, but that's not the major issue. It's often just the nature of film. Like, the colors aren't that accurate. They're pleasing, and they're a film look. So I try to make the colors a little bit more accurate than what they often go for, and they're doing it on purpose. Like, if it's Portra, you know, which. I've got that one as well. It's not going to look. I don't know if there's one with greens and stuff in it, but, like, it looks very different and the colors aren't accurate. But, yeah, portrait 400. I use the modified version of that a fair bit. No greens in there, so you can't really tell what goes on. I wish they had better. [00:25:01] Speaker B: Isn't that what we used to use. [00:25:04] Speaker A: A modified version of? Not a master labs one that was a Vsco. Yeah, so that has been great. But they've always been too heavy handed and too filmy, so I've always ended up tweaking them. And then he released this founder plus preset pack, which he was like, this is the first time that I. Here we go. To celebrate ten years of Mastin Labs, I've created a collection of my favorite looks, fine tuned for accurate skin tones and true to color, instead of just being all out attempts at perfect film reproductions. So I. I bought it. It was, it was cool. I had to tweak it. It was still too heavy handed, but. But it was cool. I used it on this, this mountain bike shoot the other day. Let me see if I can bring some up. [00:25:59] Speaker B: Grant wants to know if there's a Justin and Jim preset pack. [00:26:03] Speaker A: Oh, maybe, yeah. Would you like one? Would. [00:26:08] Speaker B: 199, 95. [00:26:12] Speaker A: Always 199.95. Let me share. See if I can share my lightroom. Can I do that? [00:26:23] Speaker B: Just in case anyone was wondering, Emma hasn't told us how to pronounce toots and co yet, so she probably got distracted. [00:26:32] Speaker A: Right. That doesn't seem to be doing what I want it to do, but that's okay. So these got a modified version of that preset on it, and I really enjoy, like, the light. I mean, it was a particular. That kind of day, you know, the light look coming through the grass and stuff. Sorry, these are boring photos for, you know, the features of a mountain bike. These are the things we have to do. But with this kit and that sort. [00:27:03] Speaker B: Of bike is around, I could. Gravel bar with front forks? [00:27:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:08] Speaker B: Okay, cool. [00:27:10] Speaker A: It's a giant revolt x. Yeah. [00:27:13] Speaker B: Is that a new, new bar? Is it released? Are you showing this? [00:27:17] Speaker A: Yes, it is. It is released. It's okay. I'm allowed to, but yeah. So the kick was often when you have stuff like this and using like, film packs, when it messes with the colors, you know, the brands aren't going to be happy because they're like, that's our print looks like. [00:27:33] Speaker B: So that's literally every shoot that they. Most I see these days. That's not how it actually looks. Why would they use it? [00:27:39] Speaker A: Why would they use it? But what's funny is the brands also do that themselves. Often when they hire photographers, they end up getting stuff back that. Anyway, long story short, but yeah, I really liked it. I just had to, I had to tweak it a little bit. I can't remember what I did. Maybe we should wonder if I can. If I can, like, do a. [00:27:59] Speaker B: It definitely looks like it's making the subject super punchy. I don't know, that's probably the. [00:28:06] Speaker A: My amazing photography and will's great modeling. You know, it all comes together. [00:28:12] Speaker B: Your skin looks a bit green from here, but it's very small. [00:28:15] Speaker A: It's small and getting streamed. So what if I go like this. [00:28:22] Speaker B: And. [00:28:24] Speaker A: Then create a virtual copy and reset the settings and then I'll show you what their standard one looks like. It's super weird. All I can see is the actual square. It's strange, right? I don't know why it does that sometimes. Can't keep up with this. I'm just fine. [00:28:53] Speaker B: So you're doing stuff? Yeah. Right? [00:28:54] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:28:55] Speaker B: I wasn't sure if it was like, a setting to, like, hide your, um, your work. [00:29:00] Speaker A: No, I'm just having a look. No, no, I'm not. This is just. So this is what I started with. Ektar 100. That's it. Standard. And then let's just see if I. I probably increased that a little bit and then obviously changed the white balance. I could probably match that. But, like, 4481. [00:29:34] Speaker B: Yours looks a lot more accurate to, like, without. Yeah, without seeing the. Without being there. Yours looks like how I feel it would have looked in real life. [00:29:46] Speaker A: It's probably too warm. It's really hard to match it after I've already changed things. But, yeah, that. That's basically the difference between how it. How it came from them and then what I changed it to. And, yeah, that was mainly changing some of the HSL color slider settings, individual colors, huge saturation luminance, and which I would show you guys, but apparently my streaming doesn't want to show how that works. If I probably went to desktop, it would probably work. Let me check that. Share my whole entire screen. Oh, that's better. Yeah. So mainly, mainly changed. They have their saturation. Everything pulled way, way, way down, and it's all about balance as well. But I reset mine up higher and then kind of rebalanced it and altered a few things. So you can see the difference in these settings purely on the saturation. I changed the hues a little bit as well. [00:30:54] Speaker B: The skin tone looks pretty similar. [00:30:55] Speaker A: Not really. That was the goal, because that's what I love about his film, presets is the skin tone. So, Kirk, if you're listening, can you help, like, make me a sports profile? That's all right. I'm doing okay. [00:31:09] Speaker B: I feel like you've made it already. [00:31:11] Speaker A: I'm getting there. Maybe he can sell mine. And then obviously down here, there are some changes just with the. They have the, like, the blue in the, the calibration setting in lightroom, which are your, like, your primary colors, the blues pulled down and pumping the saturation in the blues. It gives you a lot more of your sort of vibrance in the colors and also, obviously balances out with the other one. So, anyway, I just thought that was. Was fun to play around with it. And I enjoy their presets, but I very rarely use them out of the box, which is funny because they're super expensive. Well, they're not super expensive, but they're like a $100 for. Yeah, they're not three sort of three main presets. And then he gives you a lot of variations of each one and then other, like, there's these like tone changes and things that just tweak and they're really just playing with shadows and highlights and stuff like that. [00:32:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:32:06] Speaker A: And then they've got some AI tools as well. They got like AI skin smoothing. Yeah. Which is just like a select, like a subject select thing. I was actually, I would also be interested to edit a full wedding using just these, this preset pack or just one preset and his tools and see how much slower it is than doing it with the image in. So like a master and labs versus image and AI. It would be interesting. It'd be interesting because he sounds like. [00:32:37] Speaker B: It'S doing more if you're doing skin smoothing and stuff like that. [00:32:40] Speaker A: What do you mean? Oh, because image and doesn't do skin smoothing. Yeah. Although that is coming, the subject select stuff. So it's all, it's all coming anyway. Fun times, but yeah, I enjoyed it. [00:33:00] Speaker B: Yeah. I think the photos look nice. That's a, it'd be an interesting shirt anyway to photograph because it is, it's obviously colorful, but sort of not crazy punch. It's not like a solid color. [00:33:12] Speaker A: Yeah. I'd love to use this on a wedding and just see how it goes. But if we've got to match ours. [00:33:19] Speaker B: Together, they should. [00:33:23] Speaker A: Motion blur. They're not all sharp. Supposed to be blurry. Which, which bit, what are you looking at? [00:33:28] Speaker B: Is will sharp? [00:33:29] Speaker A: Ah, not in all of them. Just, that's not loading. Yeah, it's loaded now. He's also pretty sharp. [00:33:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:33:39] Speaker A: I would say for a motion blur shot. I mean, you can see that. You can see the hairs in his mustache. That's at 200% too. [00:33:46] Speaker B: He's got a good mustache. [00:33:48] Speaker A: It's great. It's one of the best. Anyway. Cool, cool. What else has been going on in the world of Jim Aldersey, professional wedding photographer and just newborn photographer. [00:34:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Watch out. New, new space opening up. [00:34:07] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:34:09] Speaker B: I might actually post about this one. See, see if we can generate some, some, uh, some work post about one. [00:34:17] Speaker A: Newborns. [00:34:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:34:19] Speaker A: Yeah. You want to do it? You want to make it a thing. [00:34:21] Speaker B: Like, because I kind of did it the Justin and gym way. [00:34:24] Speaker A: What's that? Epic rain, sunset photo, spraying champagne on. [00:34:28] Speaker B: Yeah. Leaves the lights and stuff and, you know. Um, no, just like, was in the house. Um, he was sleeping for the first half of it. Um, I just, you know, just taking some nice photos of him sitting down and also lying down. He was. He wasn't sitting. He's a month old. [00:34:46] Speaker A: Just sitting. Just sit here. I'll be back in a minute. [00:34:49] Speaker B: He's walking around and stuff. I was gonna sit down, mate. Um, yeah, it was just nice. Sort of had both had the sisters there. It was cool. [00:35:00] Speaker A: Um, I'm just sending Tony, a friend of ours, Tony, a link. Sorry. I was listening to your awesome story, but I just saw a message from. He's a friend of ours, and he's never. He's never seen the podcast, so I don't think he believes it's real. We are live. Don't let him on live now. He thinks it's quite funny because I copied and pasted our link, but I. I tried to paste it before that and I'd actually copied and pasted my Paypal security code, so that's not ideal. He just said, I've ordered a new bike. Oops. Anyway. Yeah, I mean, I think if you were keen on doing more newborn stuff, obviously putting some stuff out there, that the way you shoot it would be good. Way to test and see. There's a lot of competition for that in Bendigo. I feel like, you know. [00:36:02] Speaker B: Yeah, but I suck. I was seeing it doesn't hurt. Putting it out. [00:36:08] Speaker A: It's worth a shot, especially if you like it. It's going to be midweek pretty much always too, so. [00:36:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:13] Speaker A: Balances out with. With the weddings. [00:36:16] Speaker B: Yep. For sure. And it's about to start getting a bit quieter, so gonna have to find some stuff to do. [00:36:23] Speaker A: Yeah. Yes, exactly. Exactly. What sort of stuff? What else? Anything commercial. [00:36:31] Speaker B: Commercial? Yeah. Had a commercial shoot Friday night and event, which is good. Delivered that Sunday night. I didn't. Sunday night, Monday night, Sunday night. I think. Just good. Got it all done off my plate, so. [00:36:46] Speaker A: Nice. [00:36:47] Speaker B: Yeah, it's good to get it done and out the way. [00:36:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Just get it done fast. I think we should try that with this. With this wedding. We should see how quickly, like, we should see how fast we can get it done. [00:37:00] Speaker B: The wedding. Well, yeah, I'm coming into a point where I can start looking that sort of stuff. [00:37:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:37:07] Speaker B: Because I've only got, I think, like three and a half weddings to edit. [00:37:11] Speaker A: Yeah. And then you clear. But you've got one on Friday and one on Saturday, so. [00:37:15] Speaker B: Yeah. And I have one last week, but, yeah, you have three and a half. So, yeah, I'm getting to it. A much more relaxed place. [00:37:25] Speaker A: Yeah. I think this AI image and AI Cullen could be quite helpful. I wonder if they're stealing your images to let people make AI generated stuff. [00:37:37] Speaker B: I did. I have thought about that, yeah. [00:37:39] Speaker A: Well, we won't know until they launch it. It's probably in the terms and conditions or something. [00:37:44] Speaker B: Well, but are they stealing our images to who knows what? [00:37:48] Speaker A: Like, who knows how they do it? [00:37:57] Speaker B: Yelena and Grant, having fun in the comments? [00:37:59] Speaker A: Yeah, I see in the chat there. Need some. Need some photography questions in the chat. Bring it on. Yeah, any questions? Hit us up. Apparently the whole package. [00:38:10] Speaker B: I've heard that before. [00:38:12] Speaker A: Oh, sure, yeah, dear. Hey, I saw. This is a fun one. I saw this article about. I'll bring it up. I'll bring it up so we can both see it together. We review the Canon five D mark iv 2023. Still the best professional DSLr. Hard disagree. Yeah, the D 850 is the best professional DSLr. [00:38:43] Speaker B: Yeah, I agree. [00:38:46] Speaker A: But look, we'll give you. It's a clickbait headline. We'll give you that. You can have it. [00:38:52] Speaker B: And this is when published. [00:38:55] Speaker A: This was published like five days ago. [00:38:58] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah. [00:39:02] Speaker A: Blocker or something. Exclusive and free. [00:39:06] Speaker B: If you had ads on YouTube, you'd see the ad blockers pop up. [00:39:09] Speaker A: So this is a fun one. He's like. Because he's like, I didn't buy this camera when it come out in 2016. That's right, the iv come out in 2016. Back in those days, I was nothing more than a kid. [00:39:20] Speaker B: Okay, is there a mark five or maxi? No, see, it was the last of that. [00:39:27] Speaker A: It's sort of the day 50 of cannon, sort of. So basically, blah, blah, blah. It's been reviewed many times, so I'm not really going to do much. He says the sense is amazing. He says the focusing is amazing. He says long term reliability. The camera broke below the 150K shutter threshold, but then goes on to say that it's more reliable than mirrorless cameras. I don't quite understand because this is in, like, the pros, the pro section, and then goes into the drawback section, which is like. Well, it's not very good at video. Closing thoughts. If you're on the fence between a iv and a mirrorless camera, I say go the iv, I say don't. [00:40:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:23] Speaker A: If you're looking at buying a iv and a similarly priced mirrorless camera, unless you're heavily invested in that system already, do not buy into DSLR. Buy into mirrorless. If you've already got a massive range of ef lenses. Maybe. But then also you can adapt them to new mirrorless cameras. And the five day marked four come out in 2016. It's going to be worth next to nothing soon. Don't buy one in 2023 unless it's a bargain. [00:40:52] Speaker B: It's almost ten years old. [00:40:54] Speaker A: That's my closing thoughts. [00:40:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:57] Speaker A: Don't worry about old technology. Instead, worry about the skills you have. I agree. [00:41:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:41:02] Speaker A: You don't need. Maybe don't upgrade from five D mark iv to mirrorless right now. If you don't need to, that's cool. But if you're on the fence between which one to buy, get the new one. [00:41:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:41:14] Speaker A: New one. [00:41:16] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:41:18] Speaker A: I'm just. Look, good camera. [00:41:21] Speaker B: That's great. [00:41:22] Speaker A: Great camera. [00:41:23] Speaker B: You didn't jump into it. [00:41:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I get what he's saying. You can still take amazing images with it. It is a nice 30 megapixel sensor and stuff, but, you know, the similar sensor you can get in the EoS rhino, which is like on run out deals at the moment because it'll probably get replaced this year. And get that, you know, it's mirrorless. You can adapt it to your EF lenses and you can start working into mirrorless. And, geez, if you actually need to shoot video, you could, instead of not being able to, basically. Well, anyway, rant over. Rant over. Well, here we go. We've got some questions. Yeah. Tony. Davey, my camera won't turn on. Help. Do you have a camera, Tony? What? What sort of camera do you have? [00:42:10] Speaker B: I'm surprised he's working out how to use YouTube. [00:42:13] Speaker A: Oh, fixed it. Turns out it's a disposable camera. Okay, I see, I see. Yelena. Jim, how do you prepare for a newborn shoot if you have never done one before? Oh, good question. [00:42:27] Speaker B: I've done a few. Not many, but. I've done a few. But basically, what if. [00:42:32] Speaker A: What if you hadn't or if. Or what advice to someone who hasn't done one before? [00:42:37] Speaker B: I would probably. Personally, I'd probably research some other photographers work and also even ask the couple to send through, like, hey, did you have, like, show me five images you'd love to, you know, replicate or if you've seen before, something like that. [00:42:55] Speaker A: Okay, so what? So. So you gonna want to find out what style of newborn photography are they looking for? Are they looking for the anne Geddes? Put babies in flower pots deal. Or are they looking. [00:43:06] Speaker B: Please don't do that. [00:43:08] Speaker A: Hey, if that's what you're into, but don't hire Jim to do that. [00:43:11] Speaker B: No, don't. Yeah, don't definitely for that. I won't do it. [00:43:15] Speaker A: Or, yeah, or is it going to be more natural shots with, you know, with the parents and grandparents or whatever and that kind of thing. I feel like getting, you know, if, if that's a thing, getting the grandparents involved and stuff can just add a lot of additional shots that add value for everybody while you're still there in the same session because there's only so many like yes, hands and close up feats and those, those kind of things that you can take especially. They're asleep. [00:43:44] Speaker B: Yeah, no, we had the aunties there. [00:43:46] Speaker A: So hey, we're currently on 1010 live viewers. That's gonna be a record for us. [00:43:53] Speaker B: It is. Especially 44 minutes in. That's a big. [00:43:59] Speaker A: Tony also has GoPros, but Jim still has them from his first trip to Japan. [00:44:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I still do, Tony. They're sitting in a box in the garage if you'd like them. They're still work, still got batteries. We got eleven. New record. [00:44:15] Speaker A: Speaking of eleven, I got the new GoPro eleven. So if anyone wants to buy my hero nine black, it's sitting on the shelf doing nothing. The eleven. [00:44:22] Speaker B: Maybe Tony will buy it and lend it to me. [00:44:24] Speaker A: The eleven is super good. Tony, do you want my nine? I'll do you a special deal. But yeah, the hero eleven, it's got ten bit video color now, which doesn't make it like, the sensor's still small, but the color is much better straight out of the camera. I'm really enjoying it. Plus it films in like almost square, so you can crop the, or you can crop a vertical out of it. It's like an eight by seven format. It's cool. [00:44:53] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. [00:44:57] Speaker A: Do you do those things before? Did you do those things before your baby shoot first baby shoot, Jim? Or did you make rookie mistakes and realize afterwards, I don't actually don't remember. [00:45:08] Speaker B: I probably just winged it a bit. I know, but if it's something like that, I probably shot it for someone that I knew or semi new and probably, I think I would have asked them like for some images that they've liked or have like. Yeah. Want to replicate. [00:45:28] Speaker A: Hmm. Tony, Davey is Gopro. The gopro. The Gopro hero. Still the best action camera for beginners. That depends what a beginner is, but probably would be my answer. Probably. It's, there's the DJI Osmo action three or whatever that is. It's pretty similar. Insta 360. Do an action cam. But that would be. So basically, if you need a traditional action camera, the GoPro can't really be beat. I don't think. It's still got amazing stabilization. It works well. The eleven is is definitely the best one they've ever made. But hold on, I'll be right back. [00:46:14] Speaker B: How are you getting there? [00:46:15] Speaker A: Entertain people, Jim. [00:46:17] Speaker B: All right, I'll bring up a question. Grant, come back to Tony. If you were looking at becoming a photographer in a specific niche, how would you go about it? Could you post to existing socials or should you start another account? I think that probably depends. Granted, do you want to keep doing what you are currently doing and run the niche or are you just moving into the niche? Because I think if you were just moving into the niche, you could just transfer everything across and pretend like that's what you do. Now, if you were going to try and keep both and the niches were quite different, then potentially starting another one, it's. Yeah, that's probably what I would do, depending on which. Which way you were going to go. [00:47:12] Speaker A: My advice, before I talk about action cameras again, my advice would be how would I go about it separate to the social post thing? I would do work for free in that niche, for places that are going to help me get credibility and get good work done. So, yeah, and then, yes, obviously post it. That wouldn't matter if you posted it to a new account or your existing one. What matters is doing work that you can post and doing it for people that have influence in that industry and credibility, because word of mouth is also an important thing. So I would start there. 360 camera. This? Yeah. So that I modified those. I'm gonna make a video about it. I saw it on YouTube, but I did it slightly different way. It makes it kind of look like a Cyclops kangaroo. What do you think? Huh? Huh? [00:48:12] Speaker B: Like a koala. [00:48:13] Speaker A: Yeah, koala. That's it. That's what I meant. [00:48:14] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:48:15] Speaker A: Australian animals, they're all the same. Anyway, this Insta 360 has lenses on both sides that do 180 degrees, so it basically records the entire world. And then you can choose the angle later. For a beginner because you can do it on your phone, it sounds complicated, but once, once you get it set up, because you can reframe it on your phone, basically you don't have to worry about where the camera's pointing. And if you put all the settings on auto, it kind of just works. So potentially for beginners, this could be better than a GoPro. The quality when you reframe it isn't as good as the quality that you get out of a GoPro, but the benefit is you don't have to worry about where it's pointing. And if you're mainly doing it to, like, go end up on your phone anyway, the quality is just fine. So I think this could be a better option than a GoPro. But a GoPro beats it out head to head when you're talking about image quality, when you, when you've reframed this down to an actual sort of, say, if it was a chest mount for a mountain bike or something like that, GoPro beats it. But for taking it around the world, I'd probably pick this if I could only pick one. Especially if you put the fluffy koala ears on it to stop the wind noise. [00:49:32] Speaker B: But you could also get some pretty interesting shots with that. Like if you mount it to some handlebars or something, because you get some, like, rider shots and wheel shots. [00:49:41] Speaker A: I'll have some examples. I'm working on some things and I'm working on a video. Yeah, I've been wearing it to test out camera gear on it, on the chest as well because I can, like, reframe it down to when I'm changing lenses and stuff and then bring it back up and can do it all. [00:49:55] Speaker B: You have to think about it too much. [00:49:57] Speaker A: You don't have to think about it. Yeah, yeah. [00:49:59] Speaker B: Like, as in you just set it on you and then you're just kind of recording everything and then can figure out what exactly you need later. [00:50:05] Speaker A: Exactly. So I can. I can worry about the shoot first and then. Yeah, figure this stuff out later. So. Yeah. Does that answer your question, Tony? The best action. The best action camera for beginners is my second hand GoPro hero nine. It is the best. [00:50:21] Speaker B: They didn't make it better one. [00:50:23] Speaker A: That's the best one. [00:50:24] Speaker B: It's on sale too. [00:50:25] Speaker A: It's on sale. [00:50:26] Speaker B: I'll do you one owner. [00:50:27] Speaker A: One owner, toots and company. I'm currently doing your bass. Can you please give me your old GoPro? [00:50:33] Speaker B: Maybe Yelena Jennings, was that from toots and code or toots plus? [00:50:39] Speaker A: Toots plus coup. Yelena Jennings, tell us about your whole package, Jim. Let's not. Nathan for socials, would you focus on quality photos or reels? Where would you mainly focus your time? The thing. What? You go first, Jim, you go first. [00:50:57] Speaker B: Quality photos would be my focus. And then for your action, like, having good photos is the most important thing. And then you can work on the other social media side of it and making reels with them and stuff like that. [00:51:13] Speaker A: So my question would be, what's the socials for? What's the goal of the socials? And if the goal of the socials is to promote photography, your photography work, then quality photos you're going to have from doing your job. So posting quality photos is like just the staple. You do that because you take the photos and then you post them and you say, this is the work that I do. Making reels is probably going to give you another dimension to market those photos. But making a reel is like, yeah, marketing exercise that's going to take you time and creative energy. The photo you, you've already shot, you really just have to take 30 seconds to post it and write a caption. Maybe the captions can take a bit longer, but, you know, so whereas if you're talking about an unrelated business, so say it's like a, for example a coffee shop. So you're, you've actually got to take the photos and then post them or, or make a reel. I would probably lean towards reels if you can make cool ones on your phone. If it was for another business. [00:52:24] Speaker B: Yeah, for like a coffee shop. [00:52:26] Speaker A: Yeah, but maybe 50 50 because, but, yeah, but yeah, for a photographer it makes sense to like the staple of your social stuff should be photos because that's, that's what you're already making. You don't have to go out and shoot photos to post. You've already shot them. [00:52:44] Speaker B: But. Or is Nathan asking like, would you post the quality photos or would you make them into reels? [00:52:50] Speaker A: Both, but that's what I would focus on. Quality photos first because if you're, if you're not posting the photos, then there's no point also making a reel where you barely get to see them. It's like post the photos and also then maybe make a reel to try and promote a group of photos or something like that and attack it from a couple of different angles. Yeah, yeah, it doesn't seem like cuz because when you put photos in a reel like you only seen for a second and then they're gone and then people probably go to your feed to want to see the actual image for longer if it was a great image. [00:53:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:53:22] Speaker A: Good question though. [00:53:24] Speaker B: Hmm. I made a real the other day. Justin. [00:53:28] Speaker A: Yeah. How did it go? [00:53:29] Speaker B: It was good. [00:53:30] Speaker A: Is it up? [00:53:31] Speaker B: It's live. [00:53:32] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll pull it up. [00:53:37] Speaker B: So I made it for, I made it once and I got some feedback and everyone said the same thing, which. [00:53:45] Speaker A: Is that it was everyone. [00:53:46] Speaker B: It sucked. But the idea was there. So I think just doing it properly was. [00:53:55] Speaker A: Did you suck because you took a shortcut or you just hadn't. You didn't know what you were trying to do kind of thing? Because. [00:54:06] Speaker B: I didn't know how to do what I needed to do, which I learned. Like, I hit someone. Like, I literally. [00:54:13] Speaker A: Whoa. That was louder. Yeah, I better not audio it. [00:54:20] Speaker B: Why? [00:54:21] Speaker A: I. Don't be. [00:54:27] Speaker B: True. [00:54:28] Speaker A: I'll try it. [00:54:35] Speaker B: Yep. [00:54:36] Speaker A: It's risky. [00:54:37] Speaker B: Brennan and Riley first told me they wanted their photos in the ski boat. I wasn't sure, but look how good these turned out. [00:55:03] Speaker A: Good job. That music was very loud for me. I don't know if anyone's. Ah, see, Grant also. I knew that would happen. Sorry, team. I don't. I gotta learn how to control the audio. [00:55:15] Speaker B: So I could actually. In the real. In Instagram, you can actually. So I could control. Because the first video had its own audio, the song had its own audience. I could contain the levels of each part and myself, obviously. [00:55:29] Speaker A: Wow, it was so loud. [00:55:31] Speaker B: It was so. It was like 30%. [00:55:35] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. I actually don't know. I haven't really. We haven't really shared video with audio on here yet. We just lost. We lost multiple viewers. Viewers dropping like flies thanks to the audio. Come back. I won't do any more audio. It's fine. I don't have to do some testing. That was so loud. [00:55:53] Speaker B: They can't handle that. [00:55:54] Speaker A: Crazy. [00:55:57] Speaker B: Really? [00:55:58] Speaker A: Really. I told you, Jim. I told you we shouldn't do it. You just had to share. [00:56:04] Speaker B: If you need it, you needed the voice. Otherwise, it didn't quite make sense. [00:56:08] Speaker A: Did you know that most reels are viewed without audio? [00:56:11] Speaker B: Why did you make me do my own voice when you like. Because I originally put it with the computer voice. [00:56:16] Speaker A: Because the computer voice makes me want to kill even. [00:56:19] Speaker B: That's what everyone does. Everyone uses a computer voice. And you made me do my own voice. [00:56:25] Speaker A: I bought. What did I buy? Where is it? [00:56:29] Speaker B: Do you buy stuff, like, every day? [00:56:32] Speaker A: Pretty. Pretty much. I don't know if you like. [00:56:34] Speaker B: Every time I've had an episode, you're like, I just got this. [00:56:36] Speaker A: I bought. I bought the new version of the Red Bull anime book from 2021. I actually summoned 2020. [00:56:43] Speaker B: Is it. I haven't done another one. [00:56:45] Speaker A: No. So the next one's 2024? If. I'm pretty sure they will. [00:56:52] Speaker B: Brutal. [00:56:56] Speaker A: It is not. I hate the computer voice. James was pretty bad, but it wasn't that bad. Hey, our viewers are coming back. I promise you that we won't share any more audio. So. Yeah, I bought this book. I somehow also ended up with 2016 version twice instead of. So now I don't have the 2019 version, which sucks, but I have 220 16. So you and Grant can rock off for who gets one of them. They were very expensive. But the point of this is if you. If you need to cure yourself of getting new gear, get a photo book from three to five years ago, and especially if it. If it has in there the settings and cameras that people used, because then none of the new cameras and lenses that you're dreaming about are in the book. And all of the photos that are way better than what you can do were taken with gear that you can easily buy secondhand, cheap. [00:58:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:58:00] Speaker A: So as. As a follow up to that five D Mark IV article from before, not so much about buying an old camera now, but if you've got older gear and you constantly think you need new gear, Grant, if you're struggling with that, get a book like this and see how many photos were taken with the D 850 or five D Mark IV and then go, oh, yeah, maybe I don't need a new camera. [00:58:26] Speaker B: Yeah. Yelena wants to know what else did you get with it, Justin? [00:58:31] Speaker A: The book that I didn't want. The other one, the 2016 one that I already had. But yeah, so that's because that. That's been open the book. The goal that I've had for a while, I think this was not story time. [00:58:51] Speaker B: Can you write? Can you rate us all? [00:58:53] Speaker A: Okay, I'll go to the start. We're going to do this whole book. Actually, I should do that one day. I'm going to live stream reading this entire book. [00:58:59] Speaker B: You could do that and have a top down camera and have your hands. [00:59:02] Speaker A: It'll take hours. But the cool thing about these books is when I get to an actual page that has it, the sort of finalists from each category, they put the camera, lens, ISO, f stop, and shutter speed, and then a biography of the photographer, and then also how they got that shot. And it's. It's a great way to get inspired, learn a bit more about what you're trying to do. Because what I'm trying to do is to get a photo into Red Bull Illumi 2024, which is not much time. I like twelve months because they usually do in like Feb, March, April is usually when the submissions are. So I've got a. [00:59:49] Speaker B: Could have submitted one to do. [00:59:51] Speaker A: I've got nothing good enough. [00:59:53] Speaker B: I don't know. You did do one of some crazy. [00:59:57] Speaker A: Go with a mullet flying through the Chucky nighttime one. Hey, you know what is in the 2021 version, which the book isn't in my office? Um, in the 2021, there is a shot like that mount two mountain bikers on a ridgeline. [01:00:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:14] Speaker A: And I think it was in the raw category, which means it's not photoshopped. I actually want to reach out to the guy because that's the only other one I've ever seen done, and I think he's. [01:00:22] Speaker B: I've seen a motorbike one. [01:00:24] Speaker A: It was. [01:00:24] Speaker B: I reckon that was guys. Oh, was it? [01:00:29] Speaker A: Yeah, it was. It was, like, monoing or something. And it was. It was massively photoshopped. I think someone shared it not long after we did the chucky one. And you could tell it was like a different sky. [01:00:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:41] Speaker A: Yeah. So I think. I think that shot. I don't know, it could be done better. It wasn't. It didn't win a category. That one that went in, it was a finalist. But, yeah, it was a bit sketchy, kind of like mine, where, like, it's hard to get them crisp. There was a light trail off one of the bikes, which made it look a little bit messy and that kind of stuff like that, though something must have reflected or. I don't know. Anyway, it's. It's a. But, yeah, I was actually excited to be like, someone else has done this, and he would have had no idea that I'd done it. I had no idea that he's done it at some stage, and they just a similar idea. And, yeah, very cool. He also had the wrong white balance for his sky, which is a shame. But what color was it? Orange. You know, like that one we did. [01:01:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:01:30] Speaker A: You know, it looks cool, but it's not. It's not the right white balance. It's a creative effect. [01:01:41] Speaker B: So, Emma, I did it and sent the video to Justin, and he replied and said, it sounds like you haven't eaten for three days. And it wasn't true for three days, but I hadn't eaten breakfast, so then I had breakfast and redid it. [01:01:52] Speaker A: Yeah. If you think that. If you think that Jim sounded like he needed more spirit than that, really, you should have heard the version one. I should bring that up. He sounded like, yeah, I was learning. [01:02:05] Speaker B: And I was also trying to then get on to actually just editing, because. [01:02:10] Speaker A: Expand on. Expand on what? What? [01:02:12] Speaker B: Which, I don't know, on toots and co. Toots plus co. [01:02:16] Speaker A: Expand on what? Tell us. But, yeah, so I'm excited that I have a new book to dig through. I've only read, like, half of it. And I now have to unfortunately order the 2019 version separately from Europe and pay like $80 shipping. So that sucks. [01:02:36] Speaker B: But maybe check on like Facebook marketplace or something. [01:02:40] Speaker A: I don't know. I don't know. Oh, the awesome chucky pic. I think we've brought it up on him before already, Harry. [01:02:48] Speaker B: We did a few weeks ago. Yeah, I think it was on your instagram. I reckon we went through. [01:02:53] Speaker A: We've already brought it. I'll bring it up one more time. Not. There's not much to talk about, but if I wanted to do it again, I would do it differently. I'd love to get Chucky, like monoing on. On a ridgeline, but there need to be a background behind him or something. Like a sandy ridgeline or something in his kit, you know, like his Dakar kind of style kit would. Pretty awesome. Anyway, what am I doing bringing up the screen. [01:03:34] Speaker B: Don'T have in that long ago. He don't post. [01:03:37] Speaker A: Yeah, this one. So yeah, at least the skies is correct and stuff. It's. Yeah, it is. It's quite different to what the other guy did. The other guy got it horizontal, which was nice. He had so much space. He did it in like Utah or something like that. So there was all these cool mountain formations and stuff, but the sky. [01:03:56] Speaker B: Pretty cool photo still. [01:03:57] Speaker A: That's a little bit soft. Yeah, it was good. Probably the best photo I've taken. [01:04:03] Speaker B: Mmm. [01:04:04] Speaker A: I would say this one was cool too, but obviously less dramatic. It's. It's like, it's a better photo, but less dramatic because he's not jumping. But it's actually a better composition. The only disappointing thing on that is the shadow behind him. But there wasn't much I could do about that. [01:04:22] Speaker B: Did you ever reply to Matt Frank, friends, I can't read it. [01:04:26] Speaker A: Don't understand how you can do a long exposure of the stars but also get the biker so clear how I did. The rider was framed in complete darkness, so I was able to freeze him with two strobes. They were triggered manually during the 22nd exposure with no ambient light at all on the rider, he is perfectly clear. [01:04:47] Speaker B: Cool. [01:04:48] Speaker A: Anyway. Yeah. Jeremy wants to know when we can shoot with the raptor. It's just like a Jurassic park thing. You guys doing like a themed. [01:05:03] Speaker B: Yeah, Jeremy's got like a Jurassic park shoot. [01:05:05] Speaker A: Oh, so he'll get in. Oh, like saw suits that Mister Beast used and they run around and their heads bubble around. Oh, that'd be sweet. Where he's gonna do that, I don't know. [01:05:17] Speaker B: Nah. Jeremy says the cardinal Ford raptor. [01:05:19] Speaker A: Ah, cars. [01:05:21] Speaker B: Yeah, cars. [01:05:23] Speaker A: So what sort of shoot? [01:05:26] Speaker B: Um, Jeremy wants to do something with a bit of stuff going on. [01:05:32] Speaker A: Bit of dirt and technical and creative. [01:05:36] Speaker B: You know, like the car, like moving, because it's like a high performance four wheel drive. [01:05:41] Speaker A: Right. [01:05:41] Speaker B: Maybe jumping or drifting. Yeah. Roosting. [01:05:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:05:45] Speaker B: You know, all of that kind of stuff. [01:05:48] Speaker A: Interesting. [01:05:48] Speaker B: What? He wants to do something a bit. A bit of that. [01:05:51] Speaker A: Yeah. Finding a location that is like, legal, private property. So you can do that stuff without getting trouble. [01:05:58] Speaker B: Maybe in the bush or something. But, like, also then. Yeah. Trees and all sorts of bush walkers. Hmm. [01:06:07] Speaker A: You know, risky. [01:06:08] Speaker B: Yep. Kangaroos. [01:06:11] Speaker A: So that's, that's my big, audacious goal that everyone can come along on the journey of me maybe getting there or maybe not. What's, what's your big, audacious goal, Jim? [01:06:22] Speaker B: I actually don't have one. [01:06:25] Speaker A: Oh. [01:06:28] Speaker B: No. [01:06:28] Speaker A: There's floating in the wind. [01:06:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:06:31] Speaker A: Living day by day. [01:06:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:06:34] Speaker A: Which direction you'll hit a little bit. [01:06:36] Speaker B: No, I've got the weddings. I don't know, book a few weddings. [01:06:40] Speaker A: So grow the business. [01:06:41] Speaker B: Yeah, I think grow. I'm gonna change a few, like, deliverables and stuff like that to try and work on, like selling some sort of a wall art and that sort of thing. So at the moment. Yeah. Just changing what we, what I deliver to couples. [01:07:01] Speaker A: Okay. What about being more creative? What are we gonna do this weekend? Come on. Some ideas. What if we do it? Just. Just shoot? Just on our phones? No, we could just shoot Gopros. You can use my nine. [01:07:18] Speaker B: You're just trying to sell that GoPro. [01:07:20] Speaker A: Pretty much Ms. At your bot. Hmm. [01:07:30] Speaker B: I don't know. It just depends on the couple, really. Like, because they might not be super keen on doing anything. [01:07:35] Speaker A: See that? Yeah, but you can do stuff. That's what I mean. So you got to think, mate. Like, it's stuff maybe that they don't even know we're doing. [01:07:42] Speaker B: Hmm. I wouldn't mind doing some, like, some wider shots. I don't do well. [01:07:47] Speaker A: You often end up with your 28 on for most of the time. [01:07:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. I like the shots that you bought up from that reel before they were shot. Most of them were shot with the 16 in the boat. Like, I wouldn't normally shoot that wide, but I knew that that needed or called for that, and, like, because I really wanted slow, so I went to, like, a slow shot of. Most of them were shot at about 50th of a second of the boat moving to get a bit of blur throughout the image. So. [01:08:20] Speaker A: Hmm. What could we do. [01:08:26] Speaker B: I don't know. What do you feel? [01:08:28] Speaker A: You just have one lens and I just have one lens, and that's it. One camera, one lens each? [01:08:36] Speaker B: Yeah. I I don't know if that's a good idea. [01:08:38] Speaker A: I believe there was a question earlier about what. What the punishment for the loser of the challenge would be. [01:08:44] Speaker B: What's it gonna be? [01:08:45] Speaker A: What's the punishment? What does the loser have to do? [01:08:54] Speaker B: I know I'm not. I don't really want to lose. So who's. Who's voting? Is it the best photo, the best moment, the most creative shot? [01:09:08] Speaker A: I guess we'll host a voting somehow through the Justin and Jim Instagram. I don't know. [01:09:18] Speaker B: You could do that. [01:09:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Fuck to know. [01:09:25] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm not sure. [01:09:26] Speaker A: Yeah. That always will end up being a crowd pleasery shot, though. [01:09:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:30] Speaker A: Like, whoever. [01:09:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:32] Speaker A: Does sunset or something. It's like. Yeah. Hmm. [01:09:40] Speaker B: Do you. Do you want to have a look at what I delivered to. To them for the snake? [01:09:48] Speaker A: For who? To who? [01:09:49] Speaker B: Uh, from my wedding from the weekend. I saw it. I don't know. Oh, you saw it? [01:09:54] Speaker A: Yeah. It was mainly those boat photos. [01:09:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:57] Speaker A: And then there was a chunk of stuff, like, near the boat photos. There wasn't actually much of the full day, from what I remember. [01:10:05] Speaker B: No, there wasn't. Nice. That's like the ceremony. Yeah. [01:10:09] Speaker A: Yeah. Now maybe we should, like, just look up ridiculous wedding photography on the Internet and use that as a inspiration. [01:10:22] Speaker B: Wildest wedding. [01:10:26] Speaker A: Hmm. Let me see. I don't know. We need to think of something, though. I think we can push the limits. [01:10:37] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:10:42] Speaker A: What do you like? [01:10:43] Speaker B: Don't. Don't Google. I said most creative, but it came up with cool wedding photo. I did not write cool wedding photo ideas, but I said most creative wedding photographer, and it's somehow auto corrected to this. What are the latest trends in wedding photography? Drone shots, apparently. [01:10:59] Speaker A: Well, you're gonna struggle with that one. [01:11:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Drone shots. Elevated photo sets to that photo booth. [01:11:15] Speaker A: 62. Best wedding photographers in the world. I wonder if you made it under that list. No, I don't think so. [01:11:21] Speaker B: I think I'm flying under the radar in vinegar. [01:11:24] Speaker A: Hmm. [01:11:29] Speaker B: A lot of people are going hard on the. On camera flash the moment. [01:11:33] Speaker A: Camera flash? [01:11:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:11:36] Speaker A: Really? [01:11:38] Speaker B: Photos and stuff like that? I see it around a bit. People are. Yeah, on camera flash. Weird, but, like. Yeah, still fast shutter speeds and stuff. [01:11:55] Speaker A: Let's check out Christman studios. Well, look, that's a cool shot, but we don't have fireworks. [01:12:06] Speaker B: We've done fireworks before. [01:12:09] Speaker A: That's cool. [01:12:12] Speaker B: Ah. Yeah. I didn't even see him. That was cool. [01:12:14] Speaker A: Yeah, I wish. I don't like it. Surely there's a gallery that doesn't do that. Just take us to, like, the best shots you've ever done. I don't even know if this is the right Christmas studios. I assume it is. They used to be quite famous. Pause. I mean, helps if you have. [01:12:38] Speaker B: Good. [01:12:39] Speaker A: But hang on, let me try and make this a bit. Oh, go away. [01:12:46] Speaker B: We're just looking at your photos, I think. Happy? [01:12:50] Speaker A: There we go. [01:12:51] Speaker B: Can you just tap to the right, maybe? [01:12:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:12:54] Speaker B: With the keyboard? [01:12:57] Speaker A: I can do it with my mouse. [01:12:59] Speaker B: That's cool. But, like, was that. [01:13:02] Speaker A: Hang on, that's risky. [01:13:07] Speaker B: Yeah, they look like they're out. Hit that rock. [01:13:09] Speaker A: Yeah. But also you see all those. All those, you know, fail videos where the bride's dress goes up over her head and she can't. [01:13:18] Speaker B: Ah, yeah, I reckon that's why there's so many boats and stuff. [01:13:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Even then, though. [01:13:23] Speaker B: Yeah. Still. Yeah, dresses are heavy, especially when wet. [01:13:27] Speaker A: That's cool. That's sort of shut. I want to get. I feel like that's not set up. I feel like that just happened. [01:13:34] Speaker B: No, it's good lighting and stuff. [01:13:36] Speaker A: That's what I was gonna say. It's. It's very, like. It's. Yeah. [01:13:40] Speaker B: Classical and the shadow on the wall. [01:13:43] Speaker A: Yeah. So is they running off camera flash for that? Some of these guys were back in the day when I used to look into all this stuff. They'd have an assistant running around with a flash on a stick, like, all day after this. [01:13:56] Speaker B: Maybe jump on two men. [01:13:58] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Yeah, they're good. [01:14:00] Speaker B: Mmm. [01:14:02] Speaker A: But, yeah, it's like these kind of things. [01:14:06] Speaker B: Yeah, that'd be a tiny little. [01:14:10] Speaker A: Don't know if these are getting cropped or not. That doesn't look like how they would shoot that, but maybe, like, his head's cropped. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know if, like, the. Stuck to it anyway. Yeah. Cool shadows. [01:14:25] Speaker B: Mmm. [01:14:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Set up? Not set up. [01:14:31] Speaker B: I think not. I don't know. You think so? Don't. [01:14:35] Speaker A: No, I don't know. That's cool. [01:14:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:14:39] Speaker A: You might have to bring some gels. [01:14:41] Speaker B: Hmm. It's very crop again. You feel like a slightly more, like foreground. [01:14:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Who knows? Some of this stuff could be cropped for the website or something. [01:14:54] Speaker B: Yeah, that's cool. [01:14:55] Speaker A: That's. Yeah. Using the makeup light or their own light or something. That's. That's a good shot. [01:15:04] Speaker B: Yeah. Good moment. [01:15:07] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, the old tilt busting out. [01:15:09] Speaker B: Tilty. Tilting. [01:15:10] Speaker A: Tilty. I mean, it kind of works. [01:15:15] Speaker B: Not a tilting fan. [01:15:16] Speaker A: It's good when the locations look like that. [01:15:19] Speaker B: Yeah. That sky looks very odd at the top. [01:15:22] Speaker A: Yeah, they've just over. [01:15:24] Speaker B: And their skin tones look over. [01:15:25] Speaker A: HDR skin tones. All right, let's try two man. Two man studios. I'll just clearly type that in, because if you do the wrong two man. You know, I can't click on that. Here we go. Unreal moments. We'll just see your work. It's loading too slow. All right. I don't like their website, but let's find. We are in portfolio. Okay, so how do we. Is that it? Nope. Oh, yeah. I don't like that either. [01:16:10] Speaker B: Just click. Here we go. I can just click. [01:16:13] Speaker A: You do? But, yeah, I had to be. [01:16:14] Speaker B: That's cool. [01:16:16] Speaker A: That's cool. [01:16:17] Speaker B: That's very cool. [01:16:23] Speaker A: Hmm. [01:16:24] Speaker B: Hmm. [01:16:28] Speaker A: Yep. Need a. We can't really do that. [01:16:33] Speaker B: No, you can. [01:16:36] Speaker A: We could do that, but, you know, gotta get lucky with the weather. [01:16:44] Speaker B: Yeah. And the mountains. [01:16:46] Speaker A: The mountains. That's a good shot. [01:16:50] Speaker B: Yeah, that's a great shot. And the kids in focus in between. That's a very cool shot. [01:16:56] Speaker A: Yeah, that's. How did they get that set up? Not set up. [01:17:01] Speaker B: No. Because they're walking in, I think. Not set up. I think that's just being excellent photographers and maybe also getting. [01:17:09] Speaker A: You never know, though. You never know. It could be like, you know, this could have been a styled shoot or something. I don't know. There's a lot. [01:17:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:17:18] Speaker A: Like, what are the chances that. That the girl isn't obscured? The kids are perfectly in it, and the. [01:17:27] Speaker B: And they're in focus. The second lot of kids. [01:17:29] Speaker A: Yeah. And, like. And. Yeah. The bride and her dad are at both. I don't know. I don't know. I'd like to ask them. Maybe we can get them on the podcast. That's cool. [01:17:39] Speaker B: That's cool. I think that's. [01:17:42] Speaker A: You haven't done it with water, though, Jim. You haven't been near the beach when you did it. [01:17:48] Speaker B: Sorry. I'll work on my beach. [01:17:52] Speaker A: Okay. There's the winner. [01:17:54] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't feel like many brides would want us at this moment of the day. [01:18:00] Speaker A: Not many, but I bet you there's one or two jerkin that would want that photo for sure. [01:18:06] Speaker B: Yeah. If they saw the photo, I think that they'd want it. [01:18:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:18:09] Speaker B: You got to have the photo before you can. [01:18:11] Speaker A: Like, you could model it for them when you have their meeting and be like, is this something you're interested in. Here's a picture I did of me. That's cool. That's got to be set up. [01:18:25] Speaker B: Yeah. That fly where birds next to the bottle. The beer bottle on the right. [01:18:36] Speaker A: Hmm. [01:18:36] Speaker B: Are they little birds? [01:18:38] Speaker A: Don't know. Right here? Yeah, I don't know. [01:18:44] Speaker B: And there's another one under the guy's arm. [01:18:46] Speaker A: Yeah. That's why I thought they might be birds. Maybe they're fake birds. Yeah. That's a good shot. [01:18:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:18:58] Speaker A: Not set up. [01:18:59] Speaker B: No, no. I had one the other day that was. They didn't get that wet, but they did have to move because it was raining. But we had that, too, last year. And they did get that wet. [01:19:10] Speaker A: They did get that wet, yeah. [01:19:11] Speaker B: I think we. [01:19:12] Speaker A: I don't know if we got a photo that good, though. [01:19:14] Speaker B: No, no, that's cool. [01:19:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:19:18] Speaker B: That's that off camera flash. [01:19:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:19:21] Speaker B: Working a treat. [01:19:22] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, we could try it. [01:19:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Maybe we do something like that for some of the receptions. [01:19:27] Speaker A: Yeah. I'll take photos. You hold the flash on a stick. [01:19:30] Speaker B: Okay. [01:19:31] Speaker A: Done. And I'll get a t shirt written that has assistant on it for you. [01:19:36] Speaker B: For me? Yeah, or for you. [01:19:38] Speaker A: And you have to wear a high vis top to. Just so you don't bump into anyone. Hang on, hang on. Those things are, like, on the screen or something. The. Never mind. It's weird, the little. The little birds. I could see them, like. Hang on. Can't do it now. Anyway. Yep, yep. You know, good job lighting. [01:20:11] Speaker B: Hmm. [01:20:14] Speaker A: Yeah, they're the birds. [01:20:16] Speaker B: Ah, yes. [01:20:18] Speaker A: So they're in the. I don't know what's going on there. Anyway. That's obviously awesome, but is that under. [01:20:26] Speaker B: Was that knuckle? That's funny. [01:20:30] Speaker A: That is funny. [01:20:34] Speaker B: They do some pretty cool edits, these guys. [01:20:37] Speaker A: Mmm. Definitely. [01:20:40] Speaker B: They spend a lot of time perfecting. [01:20:45] Speaker A: Yelena wants to know if you're tired. [01:20:48] Speaker B: Yes, I am tired, Jelena. That's why I wasn't at the gym this morning. [01:20:56] Speaker A: Well, are these photos inspiring you. [01:20:59] Speaker B: Hmm? [01:21:01] Speaker A: To try what? [01:21:05] Speaker B: Try and find cool moments. More cool moments. [01:21:08] Speaker A: And how do you do that? And from what it seems to these guys, I mean, sometimes you just have to be there, but, like, there's lighting going on there. [01:21:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:21:16] Speaker A: So it's like, you need cool moments, but you also need lighting setup. [01:21:20] Speaker B: Like forethought. I think it's, um. Yeah. Being a more present and also anticipating what's gonna happen. Like, that's an awesome. Like, who would ever try and put a foot in a foreground? [01:21:38] Speaker A: Feel like they shoot wide a lot. [01:21:42] Speaker B: Yeah, that's just get. [01:21:44] Speaker A: And getting close. [01:21:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:21:47] Speaker A: You know, like a lot of these wide. [01:21:50] Speaker B: Very cool. [01:21:52] Speaker A: Mmm. [01:21:58] Speaker B: That's a cool shot. [01:22:09] Speaker A: Hmm. [01:22:09] Speaker B: That's super cool. [01:22:11] Speaker A: Yeah. You're, like, feeling a little, you know. [01:22:18] Speaker B: Not so, like, how long will that take to set up to be like, you need to stay, you know, that's, um. Yeah. [01:22:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:22:30] Speaker B: Just need some big roots. [01:22:36] Speaker A: That's standard shot. Yes. See, there's that little bird thing. I don't know what's going on. [01:22:41] Speaker B: It's the indicators to go left and right. I think it's. It's something in the back end of their website. Yeah. [01:22:47] Speaker A: Yeah. It's freaking me out, actually, because look. [01:22:49] Speaker B: Look where your mouse moves. When you get close to the other one, it turns the other way. Do it slower. [01:22:58] Speaker A: This thing, I'm not talking about this thing. I'm talking about this. [01:23:01] Speaker B: No, I know. I know what you're talking about, but I'm saying it must be the little indicator, but I don't know if they even know that it's. [01:23:07] Speaker A: There's these little. Little arrows here and there. [01:23:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:23:16] Speaker A: On the screen, and they're in every photo, and they're in the loading screen when you go between. See that? Yeah, they are. There's a little indicators, and so, like this, you can't see it, but when there's, like, a clear sky, we were like, are they birds? [01:23:28] Speaker B: Yeah. And before, it was, like, perfectly in the silhouette photo, and it looked like tiny little birds. [01:23:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:23:35] Speaker B: Things that most people probably wouldn't notice. [01:23:38] Speaker A: Elena Jennings says we don't care. [01:23:42] Speaker B: Fair, fair enough. [01:23:43] Speaker A: Okay, well, we'll move on, then. Moving on. Hang on. I've lost my screen anyway. We maybe will stop this because it's getting depressing. [01:23:54] Speaker B: Yeah, it's cool. [01:24:00] Speaker A: We're gonna have to push the limits, set the challenge. [01:24:05] Speaker B: Best photo, jumped into it to pool. [01:24:09] Speaker A: How are we going to do this competition? Is it like, you submit one, or do we, do we submit, say, a few each and the winners, the winner, or how do we do this? [01:24:22] Speaker B: Maybe three photos each. [01:24:25] Speaker A: Three photos each. [01:24:29] Speaker B: What are we doing more? Is it like, the most, is it like, the overall? [01:24:34] Speaker A: I don't know how you would. How you would pick that. [01:24:36] Speaker B: As in, like, maybe we give maybe some. No, because it's probably too much to look at. [01:24:40] Speaker A: These images are from wedding photographer, a wedding photography studio by the name of two man, and they are quite famous for traveling and doing huge wedding shoots. Two photographers going all out on lighting, and, you know, they shoot the whole weekend often and that kind of stuff. Yeah, they're pretty good at what they do. Obviously, the more you push the limits with your photography and the higher end clients you get and the more you travel, you also get exposed to more locations that then make your photos even better. But this photo could be done anywhere. So, you know, it's not. [01:25:24] Speaker B: Just needs some lighting. [01:25:25] Speaker A: It's not just about the epic locations, but obviously the epic locations do help. That's cool. [01:25:32] Speaker B: That is very cool. What is. What's. [01:25:37] Speaker A: What. What's in the foreground? [01:25:38] Speaker B: What's. Yeah. [01:25:44] Speaker A: Wet grass. Don't know. [01:25:50] Speaker B: Yeah, it's so cree. [01:25:52] Speaker A: I'd like to ask them. [01:25:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Love to see a roll. [01:25:59] Speaker A: You think there's a little bit of Photoshop shenanigans going on? [01:26:03] Speaker B: Oh, they're heavily worked. [01:26:06] Speaker A: Are they, though? Is that. [01:26:12] Speaker B: Yeah, I think to a degree. No, like. No, I don't mean crazy, but, like, things are pushed. [01:26:18] Speaker A: Yeah, but, like, that's. Surely that was just edited in Lightroom. I don't know. [01:26:22] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, I do think that skillshare. [01:26:28] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Yeah. Not on camera. Flash. That's awesome. [01:26:39] Speaker B: Yeah, a little birds are still here. [01:26:48] Speaker A: All right, well, are you inspired? [01:26:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Let's do it. [01:26:57] Speaker A: The challenge has been set. Justin versus Jim, 2023. [01:27:07] Speaker B: For the whole year? [01:27:08] Speaker A: No, just this weekend. I'm not doing any other weddings. [01:27:12] Speaker B: There you are. You keep forgetting about the one in September. [01:27:16] Speaker A: You forgot to tell me about it. [01:27:18] Speaker B: I did. Definitely did not. [01:27:20] Speaker A: All right, so the challenge will be, we both submit through the Justin and Jim Instagram a number of images yet to be determined. Maybe three, maybe two, maybe five. [01:27:35] Speaker B: Audio into ten. [01:27:36] Speaker A: Seems like a lot, though. And then what is it? Just that. Still just the best image wins? [01:27:42] Speaker B: Or do you want the best image and then best set? [01:27:45] Speaker A: I don't even know how people will vote. Might have to do a post line. They can. They can vote. Ah. So. So put them all up individually and. [01:27:56] Speaker B: Then, well, you can do a, like a multi. Multi post. Okay. [01:28:00] Speaker A: People. People. Just, like, all of them. [01:28:05] Speaker B: True. Yeah. I don't know. Don't know them. [01:28:09] Speaker A: Most comments. It's risky. [01:28:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. What's to know? What the way is. [01:28:23] Speaker A: We'll think about it. [01:28:25] Speaker B: Come up something between now and next week. [01:28:27] Speaker A: Yep. But, yeah, the challenge is set. We've got to get creative. Gotta push the limits. [01:28:39] Speaker B: Also gotta just do our job too. [01:28:41] Speaker A: This is doing our job. [01:28:43] Speaker B: Okay. [01:28:44] Speaker A: Do you think the couple wants creative wedding photos? Push the limits? [01:28:49] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. They also want all the other things that they booked us for. [01:28:55] Speaker A: I would do that anyway. [01:28:56] Speaker B: Okay. All right, well, we'll do that. Maybe there's a new photo to take in the cellar. [01:29:04] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. That's all about lighting that one. [01:29:09] Speaker B: Hmm. You're out then. What? [01:29:12] Speaker A: Cause I don't have lights. Not a few. I got a few old lights kicking around. [01:29:17] Speaker B: I just like to bait you. [01:29:20] Speaker A: You can't. I taught you everything you know about light. [01:29:24] Speaker B: No, I didn't. He didn't. [01:29:29] Speaker A: Well, up until you got rid of those Alan chrom lights, they were good lights. And then I told you everything you knew. [01:29:40] Speaker B: We'll see. [01:29:41] Speaker A: We'll see. I'm excited. Get the drone out. Might fly the drone through this reception. Then you drew the first dance. What for? What for safe. [01:29:59] Speaker B: Okay. All right. You do that, and I'll just actually work. [01:30:04] Speaker A: Mmm. That venue, inside this venue is all dark wood or, like, orange wood, and there's no lights. [01:30:15] Speaker B: It's not a lot is very dark. [01:30:17] Speaker A: It's so hard to light in there. [01:30:19] Speaker B: It needs some key lighting. [01:30:20] Speaker A: You could. Yeah, well, yeah. It's just hard to light in any way different to what we normally do. Because you're always trying to dodge people and dodge the band and dodge everything. [01:30:33] Speaker B: Elaine, this time I feel you. [01:30:36] Speaker A: She can have a nap. Maybe this conversation is boring because we're really just talking about our job on the weekend. [01:30:42] Speaker B: Yeah, well, you do that. Well, you have to ring them, actually. [01:30:46] Speaker A: We do. Let them know about our challenge. [01:30:50] Speaker B: Okay. [01:30:51] Speaker A: That's. That's more important than their big day. [01:30:56] Speaker B: We better actually get that done because we've got to get stuff done. [01:31:00] Speaker A: Is it 330? I guess we should. We should call it on this. [01:31:04] Speaker B: Mmm. [01:31:05] Speaker A: It's been a fun. Do it. Bring them now. People want to see the behind the scenes of a wedding, ring them. [01:31:16] Speaker B: We'll find someone else. [01:31:18] Speaker A: We'll tell them they live afterwards. We'll get their permission after we do probably work. They probably are, actually. Yeah, they will be at work. Yeah. [01:31:28] Speaker B: We just finishing work. [01:31:29] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Let's do this. [01:31:39] Speaker B: All right, cool. [01:31:43] Speaker A: I'll see you sometime before Saturday. And to all of our wonderful listeners, thank you. [01:31:51] Speaker B: Thanks for coming along. [01:31:52] Speaker A: See you next week. [01:31:54] Speaker B: Are you coming back next week or day? We'll chat about it. [01:31:58] Speaker A: Well, it depends where. When the grant Fleming is back and healthy. Cause we're going to critique the funk out of his Japan photos. And we're going to do an old school. An old school Justin and Jim critique on him. Just pick on everything so that he. Everything is sad about what he did, we used to do to ourselves. [01:32:25] Speaker B: Yeah. Every day. [01:32:26] Speaker A: We're the worst photographers ever. Yes. It depends when he's available so I don't have to figure that out. Sometime next week. [01:32:35] Speaker B: Get what happened to Grant Fleming. So Grant went to Japan and then he got sick. [01:32:41] Speaker A: Yeah, he probably has whatever the new strain of COVID is. I don't know what it is. Maybe have a weird name. [01:32:50] Speaker B: I just be sick. [01:32:51] Speaker A: I think he might also just have a cold. Either way, I don't think his voice was up to it. [01:32:57] Speaker B: That's what we tune in to see. [01:32:59] Speaker A: Yeah. So next week, we'll be looking at Grant's photos. We will be. We will. We know the winner by then of the Justin versus Jim competition. Or will we? We will show the to get the votes and then we'll know the winner the next week. [01:33:21] Speaker B: How long's voting open for? Feel like voting can't be over too long. [01:33:25] Speaker A: Yeah, but we'll open. We'll open voting, you know, the day of the show, and we'll go over the photos. Grant can throw his votes in, and then by the next week, we'll know who the winner is. [01:33:37] Speaker B: You've got some. Got some lucky questions. Justin. [01:33:45] Speaker A: Crossfit down at a winner's lucky becoming an official seven podcast once. Look, I've talked about it. Unfortunately, there's, like, only a handful of photographers that watch, so it's probably not the best value for money. But, you know, hey, at least the inspiration to set up a podcast. Is that a box basically already is. Yeah. What's that? [01:34:10] Speaker B: Is that is CF down under a box. [01:34:12] Speaker A: I don't actually know if it's a box or if it's a YouTube channel. We'll scope it out. [01:34:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:34:19] Speaker A: Good to see you. [01:34:21] Speaker B: You too. [01:34:23] Speaker A: All right, let's do it. I'll talk to you soon. [01:34:26] Speaker B: Sounds good. [01:34:27] Speaker A: Bye, everybody. Bye.

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